# TODO: Get rid of ALL that self signed ccertificate error. # Please ignore any mongo client errors as long as it works. function printPrimary { count=`mongo --quiet --port 3001 mongo/functions.js| wc -l` while [ $count -lt 1 ] do echo "No primary yet: $count" sleep 2 count=`mongo --quiet --port 3001 mongo/functions.js| wc -l` done port=`mongo --quiet --port 3001 mongo/functions.js | cut -d ':' -f2 ` echo "port is on $port" } mongo_ssl=" --sslMode requireSSL --sslPEMKeyFile mongo/mongodb-server.pem --allowInvalidHostnames " md_options=" --smallfiles --oplogSize 50 --bind_ip $mongo_ssl " hn=`hostname` ssl=" -subj '/C=GB/ST=London/L=London/O=Global Security/OU=IT Department/CN=$hn'" client=" --ssl --sslAllowInvalidCertificates --host $hn --quiet " # If restarting, kill the mogo processes and then do rm -rf mongo/d1 mongo/d2 mongo/d3 mongo/logs # Setup 3 directories: mkdir -p mongo/d1 mongo/d2 mongo/d3 mongo/logs openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out mongo/mongodb-cert.crt -keyout mongo/mongodb-cert.key -subj "/C=GB/ST=London/L=London/O=Global Security/OU=IT Department/CN=$hn" cat mongo/mongodb-cert.key mongo/mongodb-cert.crt > mongo/mongodb-server.pem #openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out mongo/mongo-cert.crt -keyout mongo/mongo-cert.key #cat mongo/mongo-cert.key mongo/mongo-cert.crt > mongo/mongo-client.pem # If not AWS, ignore. # sudo -s -- bash -c ' echo " localhost ">> /etc/hosts ' # Start once mongo instance mongod --dbpath mongo/d1 --port 3001 --replSet r $margs > mongo/logs/1.log 2>&1 & sleep 5 # In the mongo shell mongo $client --port 3001 --eval "rs.initiate( { _id: 'r', version: 1, members: [ {_id :0, host: 'localhost:3001' } ] } )" sleep 5 # Start and add two other replica sets mongod --dbpath mongo/d2 --port 3002 --replSet r $margs > mongo/logs/2.log 2>&1 & mongod --dbpath mongo/d3 --port 3003 --replSet r $margs > mongo/logs/3.log 2>&1 & sleep 10 mongo $client --port 3001 --eval "rs.add('localhost:3002')" sleep 3 mongo $client --port 3001 --eval "rs.add('localhost:3003')" sleep 3 # Look at the status mongo $client --port 3001 --eval "rs.status()" # Lets setup the functions. echo " cfg = rs.conf(); cfg.members[0].priority = 3; cfg.members[1].priority = 2; cfg.members[2].priority = 1; rs.reconfig(cfg); " >> mongo/reconfig.js echo ' function pcheck() { s = rs.status() s.members.forEach( function(myDoc) { if (myDoc.stateStr=="PRIMARY") { print( myDoc.stateStr + " " + myDoc.name ) } } ); } pcheck() ' > mongo/functions.js # Lets print out the hosts in the replica set mongo $client --port 3001 --eval "rs.status()" | grep name # Remove a host mongo $client --port 3001 --eval "rs.remove('localhost:3003')" sleep 3 mongo $client --port 3001 --eval "rs.status()" | grep name # Add host back in mongo $client --port 3001 --eval "rs.add('localhost:3003')" sleep 3 # Add print out who is primary and secondary mongo $client --port 3001 --eval "rs.status()" | egrep 'name|stateStr' # Redo the prorities, but in practice its no promise for stepdowns. cat mongo/reconfig.js | mongo $client --port 3001 sleep 5 mongo $client --port 3001 --eval "rs.conf()" | egrep 'host|priority' mongo $client --port 3001 --eval "rs.stepDown({secondaryCatchUpPeriodSecs: 10 })" sleep 15 printPrimary mongo $client --port 3001 --eval "rs.status()" | egrep 'name|stateStr' new_primary='' other=3002 for p in 3002 3003; do test=`mongo $client --port $p --eval "r=rs.isMaster(); printjson(r['ismaster'])" | grep -v SSL` if [ $test = 'true' ]; then new_primary=$p; fi if [ "$p" = '3002' ]; then other=3003; fi done if [ $new_primary = '' ]; then echo "ERROR: no new primary found."; exit; fi # Mongo forces a new election so this part is not needed. # # Not let's force it back to the first one --- this is bad in production. #mongo $client --port $new_primary --eval "rs.remove('localhost:$other')" #sleep 5 #printPrimary #mongo $client --port $new_primary --eval "rs.remove('localhost:$new_primary')" #sleep 5 #printPrimary #mongo $client --port 3001 --eval "rs.status()" | egrep 'name|stateStr' # Now add them back in #mongo $client --port 3001 --eval "rs.add('localhost:3002')" #sleep 2 #mongo $client --port 3001 --eval "rs.add('localhost:3003')" #sleep 2 # Look at the status #mongo $client --port 3001 --eval "rs.status()" | egrep 'name|stateStr'