# I assume the 2 shard is running from Shard.txt # and Shard.txt is finished. # We take liberties knowing no data is being written # and the shards are not in replicaa sets. # This deals with the hardest part of # retoring the shards. With replica sets for # shards it gets more complicated but this deal with # the theory if you get in a mess. # You can take note of the shard setup if you wish and need to turn off balancer mongo --quiet --eval 'sh.setBalancerState(false)' mongo --quiet --eval 'sh.status()' | egrep '\-\->>|state|host' > /tmp/shard_setup.log1 # Take backups map=" s1:4001 to z1:5001 s2:4002 to z2:5002 replica name of c to d on config server. It may not be needed. " rm -rf /tmp/mogno_temp_backups mkdir -p /tmp/mongo_temp_backups/config mkdir -p /tmp/mogno_temp_backups/s1 mkdir -p /tmp/mogno_temp_backups/s2 for i in chunks collections databases settings; do mongo --quiet --port 4003 --eval "db.$i.find()" config > /tmp/mongo_temp_backups/config_$i done mongo --port 4001 --quiet --eval "db.system.version.find()" admin > /tmp/mongo_temp_backups/s1_system mongo --port 4002 --quiet --eval "db.system.version.find()" admin > /tmp/mongo_temp_backups/s2_system mongo --quiet --port 4003 --eval 'db.getCollection("version").find()' config > /tmp/mongo_temp_backups/config_version mongodump --port 4003 -o /tmp/mongo_temp_backups/config -d config mongodump --port 4001 -o /tmp/mongo_temp_backups/s1a -d admin mongodump --port 4002 -o /tmp/mongo_temp_backups/s2a -d admin mongodump --port 4001 -o /tmp/mongo_temp_backups/s1d -d shard_test mongodump --port 4002 -o /tmp/mongo_temp_backups/s2d -d shard_test killall mongod killall mongos killall mongo sleep 2 # You shouldn't have any mongo stuff running ps auxw | grep mongo jobs # Make the new data servers and mongo config server. # We blow away the original databases, so we pray the backups are good. rm -rf mongo mkdir -p mongo/e1 mongo/e2 mongo/e3 mongo/logs # Lets make the data servers and config servers start mongod --shardsvr --dbpath mongo/e1 --smallfiles --oplogSize 10 --bind_ip --port 5001 > mongo/logs/e1.log 2>&1 & #Now add a 2nd shard. mongod --shardsvr --dbpath mongo/e2 --smallfiles --oplogSize 10 --bind_ip --port 5002 > mongo/logs/e2.log 2>&1 & # Start a mongo config server --- in the Sharding2 document, we will # have 3 in a replica set. mongod --configsvr --replSet z --dbpath mongo/e3 --smallfiles --oplogSize 10 --bind_ip --port 5003 > mongo/logs/e3.log 2>&1 & # Stupid but single config server still has to be in a replica set. sleep 2 mongo --port 5003 --eval "rs.initiate({ _id: 'z', version: 1, members: [ {_id :0, host: 'localhost:5003' } ] })" sleep 3 # Start a mongos -- this connects to the mongod, since the default for a config server is 5003 mongos --configdb "z/" --bind_ip > mongo/logs/ms_2.log 2>&1 & sleep 5 # Turn off the balaner. mongo --quiet --eval 'sh.setBalancerState(false)' steps=" 1. add the shards 2. restore config server 3. change values in config server. a. db.shards b. db.databases c. db.chunks -- partitions d. db.chunks -- cluster Id e. db.collections -- ObjectId 4. Kill config and mongos 5. Restore data servers -- without system.version 6. Start config and mongos 7. Check, insert, check again. " # 1 mongo --eval 'db.runCommand({addShard: "localhost:5001", name: "t1"})' admin mongo --eval 'db.runCommand({addShard: "localhost:5002", name: "t2"})' admin #2 Do not drop the collections, we have ids that # we have to delete, that can't be changed. easily. mongorestore --port 5003 /tmp/mongo_temp_backups/config -d config # 3a #mongo --port 5003 --quiet --eval 'db.shards.insert({"_id" : "t1", "host" : "localhost:5001", "state" : 1})' config #mongo --port 5003 --quiet --eval 'db.shards.insert({"_id" : "t2", "host" : "localhost:5002", "state" : 1})' config mongo --port 5003 --quiet --eval 'db.shards.remove({_id: "s1"})' config mongo --port 5003 --quiet --eval 'db.shards.remove({_id: "s2"})' config #3b mongo --port 5003 --quiet --eval 'db.databases.update({"primary": "s1"}, {"primary": "t1", "partitioned" : true })' config #3c mongo --port 5003 --quiet --eval 'db.chunks.update({"shard" : "s1"}, {$set: {"shard" : "t1"}})' config mongo --port 5003 --quiet --eval 'db.chunks.update({"shard" : "s1"}, {$set: {"shard" : "t1"}})' config mongo --port 5003 --quiet --eval 'db.chunks.update({"shard" : "s1"}, {$set: {"shard" : "t1"}})' config mongo --port 5003 --quiet --eval 'db.chunks.update({"shard" : "s1"}, {$set: {"shard" : "t1"}})' config mongo --port 5003 --quiet --eval 'db.chunks.update({"shard" : "s1"}, {$set: {"shard" : "t1"}})' config mongo --port 5003 --quiet --eval 'db.chunks.update({"shard" : "s1"}, {$set: {"shard" : "t1"}})' config mongo --port 5003 --quiet --eval 'db.chunks.update({"shard" : "s1"}, {$set: {"shard" : "t1"}})' config mongo --port 5003 --quiet --eval 'db.chunks.update({"shard" : "s2"}, {$set: {"shard" : "t2"}})' config mongo --port 5003 --quiet --eval 'db.chunks.update({"shard" : "s2"}, {$set: {"shard" : "t2"}})' config mongo --port 5003 --quiet --eval 'db.chunks.update({"shard" : "s2"}, {$set: {"shard" : "t2"}})' config mongo --port 5003 --quiet --eval 'db.chunks.update({"shard" : "s2"}, {$set: {"shard" : "t2"}})' config mongo --port 5003 --quiet --eval 'db.chunks.update({"shard" : "s2"}, {$set: {"shard" : "t2"}})' config mongo --port 5003 --quiet --eval 'db.chunks.update({"shard" : "s2"}, {$set: {"shard" : "t2"}})' config mongo --port 5003 --quiet --eval 'db.chunks.update({"shard" : "s2"}, {$set: {"shard" : "t2"}})' config # 3d - this is complicated myId=`mongo --quiet --port 5003 --eval 'var x = db.getCollection("version").findOne(); print (x.clusterId)' config` echo "clusterId", $myId echo " db = db.getSiblingDB('config') db.chunks.find().forEach(function(doc){ doc.lastmodEpoch = $myId; db.chunks_new.insert(doc); }); db.chunks.renameCollection('chunks_old'); db.chunks_new.renameCollection('chunks'); " > mongo/replace_chunks.js mongo --port 5003 mongo/replace_chunks.js # 3e echo " db = db.getSiblingDB('config') db.collections.find().forEach(function(doc){ doc.lastmodEpoch = $myId; db.collections_new.insert(doc); }); db.collections.renameCollection('collections_old'); db.collections_new.renameCollection('collections'); " > mongo/replace_collections.js mongo --port 5003 mongo/replace_collections.js #4 killall mongod killall mongos killall mongo sleep 2 mongod --shardsvr --dbpath mongo/e1 --smallfiles --oplogSize 10 --bind_ip --port 5001 > mongo/logs/e1.log 2>&1 & mongod --shardsvr --dbpath mongo/e2 --smallfiles --oplogSize 10 --bind_ip --port 5002 > mongo/logs/e2.log 2>&1 & mongod --configsvr --replSet z --dbpath mongo/e3 --smallfiles --oplogSize 10 --bind_ip --port 5003 > mongo/logs/e3.log 2>&1 & sleep 10 #5 mongorestore --drop --port 5001 /tmp/mongo_temp_backups/s1 --nsExclude system.version mongorestore --drop --port 5002 /tmp/mongo_temp_backups/s2 --nsExclude system.version #6 mongos --configdb "z/" --bind_ip > mongo/logs/ms_2.log 2>&1 & sleep 2 # These databases that are sharded should exist on the target servers. # You can ignore the local databases. mongo --quiet --eval 'db.databases.find()' config mongo --quiet --eval "db.getMongo().getDBNames()" --port 5001 mongo --quiet --eval "db.getMongo().getDBNames()" --port 5002 # save the config mongo --quiet --eval 'sh.status()' | egrep '\-\->>|state|host' > /tmp/shard_setup.log2 # compare the differences diff /tmp/shard_setup.log1 /tmp/shard_setup.log2 # count the no of documents mongo --port 5001 --quiet --eval 'db.no.count()' shard_test mongo --port 5002 --quiet --eval 'db.no.count()' shard_test mongo --quiet --eval 'db.no.count()' shard_test mongo --quiet --eval 'db.no.insert({value:1.1})' shard_test mongo --quiet --eval 'db.no.insert({value:900.1})' shard_test mongo --quiet --eval 'db.no.insert({value:900.2})' shard_test echo "Should detect some increases for all 3 below." mongo --port 5001 --quiet --eval 'db.no.count()' shard_test mongo --port 5002 --quiet --eval 'db.no.count()' shard_test mongo --quiet --eval 'db.no.count()' shard_test notes=" Notice I restored, the data mongod servers. You don't have to. If you can get the admin database settings, which I couldn't change to be correct on another server, just back that up and restore on your target server --- after everything. Its a little more complicated. This demo is just to show it can be done. To make it efficient and other stuff, will take more steps. "